Oviedo Photos

I've lost count of all the pictures I've taken since we arrived in Oviedo, but it's a ton! We're planning to organize a photo exhibit about Asturias, in Savannah, Georgia - our next destination. It would be a way of introducing both ourselves and Asturias to a brand new audience.

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Fernando Valdés Salas – Inquisitor, Educator, Fanatic

In the middle of the University of Oviedo's courtyard is a statue of its founder, Fernando Valdés Salas. The statue's expression is fatherly; benevolent but stern. The sense conveyed is that Valdés was a serious educator dedicated to learning, and a kindly, wise man. But a little research reveals that a loathsome monster reigns in the University's courtyard -- rarely does history provide us such exquisitely evil characters as the Archbishop Fernando de Valdés.

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The Museum of Mining and Industry in El Entrego

While we were in Oviedo, I found myself thinking a lot about mining for the first time in my life. The trapped Chilean miners were making headlines worldwide, a miner's strike was big news in Spain. But once I started considering the profession, I couldn't turn my mind off it. The vulgar exploitation of both workers and the earth for the further enrichment of corporations makes the mining industry the zenith of human greed and misery. There's something grotesquely romantic about it.

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